Niacin (vitamin B-3) is an essential B-Complex vitamin. Niacinamide is a non-flushing form of vitamin B3.NIACIN VITAMIN B3 (AS NIACINAMIDE)
Niacin is a is a water-soluble vitamin and is part of the B Complex.
- Helps Maintain Healthy Cholesterol Levels: Supports Cholesterol Metabolism. Niacin is an important B vitamin that may raise levels of high-density lipoproteins (HDL), the “good” cholesterol, and lower triglycerides.*
- Cardiovascular Health: Niacin supports cardiovascular health, promotes increased blood flow, and supports the health of the nervous system.
- Promotes Natural Energy Production**: Niacin as Niacinamide helps the cells synthesize nutrients more effectively to boost energy.
- May Support Brain Health – Cognitive Health and Brain Enzymes: A severe niacin deficiency has been associated with cognitive decline such as memory loss and dementia.***
Nicotinamide supports focus, energy, memory and it can help promote brain enzymes to protect brain cells from stress and injury.***
*”Niacin to Improve Cholesterol Numbers.” Mayo Clinic, 7 June 2022;
**“Niacin.” Edited by Medical Editors, Mayo Clinic, 12 Nov. 2020
***“Niacin – Vitamin B3.” The Nutrition Source, 7 Mar. 2023; Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health.